In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

February, 9 2018 at 2:43 pm

Hello Rahul,
I'm one of the current authors of the 'Coping with Depression' blog. I'm glad that you reached out and I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I can truly understand this feeling where someone doesn't accept you and it's all you can think about. Consider this: how would you feel if you were able to stop thinking about this? What would it be like if this wasn't even a concern? Would you feel freer? Happier? More joyful? It's not easy at all to let these things go, but when you think about how you would feel without this burden, sometimes, that helps to let it go. Also, what activities can you get involved in to take your mind off of this? I would also recommend reaching out to a trusted professional if things don't improve. And, if you are feeling suicidal, please get help immediately.…
I wish you all the best and hope that your heart will feel better soon.
--Michelle Sedas