Ryan Danforth
June, 19 2018 at 2:16 pm

I had brain surgery in 2009. After the surgery, I experienced massive seizures multiple times a day. I was fully conscious with each seizure. I lost my job, could no longer play with my kids, driving was out of the question. Over the years my seizures have gradually subsided. It seems that my doctor finally found the right cocktail mix of drugs. Each drug had its own set of adverse side effects.
After 8 years, the seizures finally stopped completely and I started looking for a job again. I worked in the software industry and quickly realized that my previous skill set was no longer relevant. After months and months of trying to find a job that was close to making what I was making 8 years ago. I had no success. That's when the depression came.
I felt worthless. My wife didn't understand and just thought I should "snap out of it". After more than 20 years, my marriage was on the brink of collapse. Suddenly the word "divorce" started coming up more and more frequently. We went to counseling. I started seeing a therapist on my own then I went to a psychiatrist who prescribed more drugs. Nothing seemed to work. I was tired and wanted my life to be over. Suicidal thoughts ran through my brain from morning till evening and all through the night. I just wanted to escape from it all.
That's when a friend turned me on to a natural vitamin supplement called focus essentials. I know it probably isn't appropriate to plug a product on this blog and that really isn't my intention. But I was desperate to try anything. I still wanted to live. My suggestion to anyone facing deep depression is to try anything that will help. For me it was this vitamin supplement, for you it could be something different. Now my marriage is slowly getting stronger each day. I found a good paying job. And my kids now have their dad back.
Just don't give up, it's a battle worth fighting for!!