so how am i supposed to carry on after my girl (age 20)
was found naked.dead in a ditch after being missing for 5 weeks.
killed at the hands of a so called HUMAN BEING!!how would any1 else
on this site like to cope with the guilt/knowledge that it couldve been prevented?i carry on for my son but hes not on
speaking terms with me+supposing he never speaks again?
i have tortured thoughts of girl s last moments.what did IT do
to her?what were her last thoughts?was she tortured?why am i alive
+she isnt?please dont say TIME HEALS.ITS BEEN 11 YEARS +im
feeling WORSE.dont mention religion, that means nothing to me.
no beliefs at all,and never will have.i force a smile each day,
but inside im DEAD.1 day i will be ,then these tortured thoughts
will stop.
October, 20 2018 at 4:50 pm