June, 26 2019 at 9:42 pm

Good evening, beautiful my heart goes out to you for the pain you are experiencing. I want to say to you, you are brave for putting this out there. I think I know why you resorted to being an atheist, you must feel like God has left you, and allow these terrible things to happen to you. I want you to try something it might sound strange as well feel unease, but ask GOD to remove the bad spirits away from you. Ask him to reveal what your brothers done to you to your parent's, and trust that its going to come out. Your brother's will began to experience bad karma for what they've done to you. GOD is not an evil person and he will come to your rescue. They did not get away with it. I will share this with you my step mother was sexually assault by her brother as well, she carried that pain around for years until she met my dad. She told my father and her brother who had done that to her was in jail serving amlife sentence. My father wrote him a letter and told him he needed to write his mother and tell her what he had done. He failed to do so and my mother told his mother. I'm saying this to say people don't get away with bad things, GOD will punish them and her brother went to jail for something else but he will never see day light again he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Don't give up on GOD that's what the devil want you to do. Go ask GOD to forgive you and he will ask GOD to heal your heart. I love you here is my email if you want to talk.