So this might be alittle long so here it goes. I just realized that I've been taken advantage of mainly by men and I realized this through this process of selling and buying my second home. So when I purchased my first home eight years ago, I was recommended a realtor by the mortgage broker I was using. Since I was getting my loan through the mortgage broker I trusted the realtor because it was someone she knew. I saw a house in the area that I wanted to stay in and it was $110k. Cool, went to look at it and decided to put contract on the home. The home inspector come(who I believe the realtor knew) and eight years later is where I lived. Fast forward, I decided to sell my home because the neighborhood has changed. Found a new realtor and they came to see the house and what may need to be done to update it. That realtor had a brother that did renovation work and they gave me his number. He came over and we decided what things needed to be done. I took out a home equity loan thinking on spending maybe $10-15k for the repairs. Of course as we know things happen when you start repairing. It was consistent with everyday working on the house.I trusted this contractor bevause hey, he was the realtors brother.Guess what that price doubled because there were more and more things that needed repairing.There were alot of things that the first obvious things the inspector should have caught but I pressed on. So it was taking long time for this contractor to do the work (because in my opinion he was working on to many projects at once and was not solely focused on my house). So September 2019 he came
and did the tub. I called to ask another question and left message. One message turned into four messages... unanswered. He never called back. Till this day 3/28/20 no return call and still house is/was not completed. I decided to push forward and get what I can get done. Got a new realtor whom I love and adore and she is guiding me along the way. $36k later and more repairs that needed to be completed, I put house on market and it sold in 5 days. I was so excited because I can get out of this money pit and go onto my new journey. The buyers had their inspector come and guess what more problems with the house. I still owe on my loan$87k plus have to pay back $36k from home equity and because the neighborhood has changed the house had to be put on market for less and for what homes in neighborhoods
are going for..$149900. So you do the math. I will not be making any money on this deal..oh and I have to pay their closing cost of $4k. I am crushed. No one had my back.. not even me. I trusted too much and didnt trust myself. I was going into it with my best intentions thinking they were as well when they were just thinking of themselves. So,moral to the story.. first..this house really should have been a house for an investor not a first time home buyer who wasn't looking to make repairs. With all of the money I put into house, I should have just gotten a house at 160k (in this area ) on up with everything I desired. The contractor guy, was out to make money for himself and didnt care about me plus there were some shady things that I saw him do that I should have just cut ties with him based on his integrity. I know that I am nice by nature and people tend to take it for weakness when all I wanted was for people to like me...clears throat..people pleaser. I am in therapy (not because of this but it helps) but this has been a eye opener to trust yourself and you do matter. I will be 50 on Tuesday and cant believe that these things are still happening to me (not playing victim but just realization). An expensive lesson to learn....
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March, 28 2020 at 9:19 pm