I understand COMPLETELY!!! I worked a job for 15 years as a SMT LEAD riddled with the same types of people and Supervisors. Supervisor and HR only documented complaint from other employees when they didn't want to do the work. Never backed me it was always something I did to make it happen. There are so many company's out there that take the side of a majority of employees no matter if its a lie or don't understand English do to their back ground and nobody makes them, so they cant be held responsible. Putting you in a bad position and years of torment while everybody is looking at you asking " What is your problem?" Ya know what, stop letting individuals get away with this behavior. Tell ya what, my Supervisor and Manager knew it but chose to side with liars which I had enough of!!!!! Now unemployed [moderated] No shred of decency here. These people know who they are [moderated] so I hope karma KICKS everyone of them in the ... !!!!!!