August, 28 2020 at 11:49 am

Thanks for this article. I'm just finding myself with so much anger right now because of feeling that people don't appreciate what I do. I've always tried to be a helpful person. Even at work. I volunteered a couple of years ago to help out a new department with one of their invoices that I had already been taking care of and getting their mail for them and delivering it. This was not my job, but I was willing to help out. And then they figured they could come to me for office supplies. I did that for a bit, but then put a stop to it. They have their own budget, they don't need to use up ours. And then it was can I do something else for them. To clarify, they do have an administrative assistant assigned to them, but it's easier to ask me. I think they're afraid of her. I finally told them that they do have an assistant, and she needs to do it. My boss over heard and said he's glad I did it finally. I've also decided that it's time to quit delivering their mail to them. I wouldn't mind so much if they appreciated it, but instead, they expect it. I think that's the cause of the being taken advantage of feeling.