Hi Brooker. How are you? Are you okay? I feel the same. When I need an operation, I welcome the sedative that puts me to sleep. No, I don't want to wake up. I feel as I drift off, the release of pain & torture. I feel at peace. I am tired of being counseled, no one will seek revenge for my ongoing torture of psychopaths on our planet. Why would I want to share our planet, with mean, nasty, selfish people or plagues of sewer infested rats, mice & some people. I have thought of suicide since age 6. A violent alcoholic father, then a sex mad male loving mother. Then a using psychopath narcissist fiance of 30 years. Who ran around being a gang bang for any female, who wanted him, secretly behind my back. Not one female cared he was my fianc'e & I am not willing to share. No one even loved me enough to make me a mum. I only attract gay males with trying to taking my money., Or trying for poo jabs from me. I am a female. Or they try to steal our home. Some Very rotten, decay, gold digger maggots, we share this planet with. Even my baby brother was killed in front of me, a drunk, underage driver, hit & run. They tell me I have depression & post traumatic stress syndrome. I wonder why? People still making wars, over 6 billion people on our planet, why? Lots of over egoistic power, money hungry people. I love babies to, however, nobody seems to stop & think? Paradise is shrinking, food is plastic, we are numbers. Greed is pollution. No, there's no room on this planet for I. Media smiles when they report deaths, propaganda chases us for money, our prime minister constantly meddling overseas, some cultures are bossy & overtaking, I don't like their stools either. Oh yeah, we are bullied into leaving the planet . Greed overtakes. I feel there's a lot of takers, a lot of passing the buck & not many who want to work. No, Brooker your not alone in your journey. Too many people only want us as chauffeurs...God Bless, Being Bless & Alien u.f.o. bless...