
About Me Professionally

Self-Therapy For People Who ENJOY Learning About Themselves


Tony I work, here, in Milwaukee at the Midwest Center for Human Services, a state-certified mental health clinic. We also have a sister office in Madison, Wisconsin. Here's a bit more about me, professionally:


Almost thirty five years as a psychotherapist and trainer of therapists and counselors. Certified Transactional Analyst. Extensively trained in a remarkably wide range of clinical areas due to ten years as training director for counselors and therapists in a large state agency. Does not specialize, but prefers a wide variety of clients. Especially experienced at working with individuals regarding depression, anxiety, physical and sexual abuse in childhood, delinquency and criminality, parenting, teenagers, and dissociation. Also works with couples on relationship issues.



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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 9). About Me Professionally, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, June 20 from

Last Updated: March 29, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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