
ADHD Special Education Legal Rights

Get a copy of the IDEA 2004 regulations, read a manual - Special Education Rights and Responsibilities - and view webcast on IDEA 2004.

** Attention! **

The Department of Education published the Final IDEA 2004 Regs in html and pdf formats. You might also find it helpful to view a webcast on IDEA 2004 and 2006.

THIS IS IT! This manual has been my BIBLE for the last 5 years. I take it to every IEP meeting and found it an invaluable source of information when I was fighting to obtain special education services for my son. You will find references to California State and Federal special education laws in this manual. Even if you do not live in California, I think you will find this manual very helpful as it will give you ideas what to ask for, what other states are providing in the way of special ed and will give you some valuable ideas as to what area's you should do more research in as to specific laws pertaining to your state. This manual was revised in 1995 and is currently being updated again. I'll get the updated version to you as soon as it becomes available.

The manual, Special Education Rights and Responsibilities is now online! Be prepared for your next meeting with the school! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!!

  1. Chapter One: Basic Rights and Responsibilities
  2. Chapter Two: Information on Evaluations/Assessments
  3. Chapter Three: Information on Eligibility Criteria
  4. Chapter Four: Information on IEP Process
  5. Chapter Five: Related Services
  6. Chapter Six: Due Process Hearing
  7. Chapter Seven: Least Restrictive Environment
  8. Chapter Eight: Discipline of Students with Disabilities
  9. Chapter Nine: Inter-Agency Responsibility
  10. Chapter Ten: Vocational Education
  11. Chapter Eleven: Information on Rights of Multicultural Children
  12. Chapter Twelve: Preschool Education Services
  13. Chapter Thirteen: Early Intervention Services

Here is additional information about the 504 plan so that parents can better be prepared in gaining services for the children.

Writing Legally Correct and Effective IEPs and TIEPs.

I wouldn't get caught dead in IEP meeting without knowing what my rights were and some idea what kind of services I could get. Click here if you want to know how to write a good IEP (Individualized Education Plan).

This site has a lot of great information regarding special education issues.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, October 6). ADHD Special Education Legal Rights, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, June 20 from

Last Updated: February 13, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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